How convert SVG icon to favicon in Hakyll

How convert SVG icon to favicon in Hakyll
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I am using Hakyll for this blog. And I have a problem start script for every icon change. And I thought: Why am I not using Hakyll to do this?

Icon has been created in Inkscape with SVG format. A script like this converted SVG icon to PNG:

inkscape -w 16 -h 16 -o icon-16.png icon.svg
inkscape -w 32 -h 32 -o icon-32.png icon.svg
convert icon-16.png icon-32.png favicon.ico

I am not using only ImageMagick because it doesn’t convert the background correctly. Twice start Inkscape is not a good idea. I find parameter actions and rewrite the script for run Inkscape once:

inkscape --without-gui --actions "export-width:16px; export-filename:icon-16.png; export-do; export-width:32px; export-filename:icon-32.png; export-do;" icon.svg
convert icon-16.png icon-32.png favicon.ico

It’s a long command but good for a script running speed (I don’t know why I need this…).

I create a new route in Hakyll with icon.svg depend:

iconDep <- makePatternDependency "images/icon.svg"
rulesExtraDependencies [iconDep] $ create ["favicon.ico"] $ do
    route   idRoute
    compile $ faviconCompiler "site/images/icon.svg"

faviconCompiler create favicon.ico using icon.svg:

faviconCompiler :: FilePath -> Compiler (Item LBS.ByteString)
faviconCompiler svgPath =
  let sizes = [32, 16] :: [Int]
  in do
    tmpFiles <- getFaviconPngs svgPath sizes
    paths <- return $ map (\(TmpFile tmpPath) -> tmpPath) tmpFiles
    ico <- (unixFilterLBS "convert" (paths ++ ["ico:-"]) "")
    makeItem ico

Function getFaviconPngs create multiple TmpFile and PNG for each size. Inkscape starts once using Hakyll’s process.

createFaviconExportLine :: Int -> TmpFile -> String
createFaviconExportLine size (TmpFile path) =
  "export-width:" ++ show size ++ "px; export-filename:" ++ path ++ "; export-do;"

getFaviconPngs :: FilePath -> [Int] -> Compiler [TmpFile]
getFaviconPngs svgPath sizes = do
  tmpFiles <- sequence $ map
      (\size -> newTmpFile $ "hakyll-blog-favicon-" ++ show size ++ ".png")
  actions <- return
    $ foldr1 (++)
    $ map (uncurry createFaviconExportLine)
    $ zip sizes tmpFiles
  (_, _, _, handle) <- unsafeCompiler $ createProcess
        (proc "inkscape" ["--without-gui", "--actions",  actions, svgPath])
        { std_err = NoStream
        , std_out = NoStream
        , use_process_jobs = True
  _ <- unsafeCompiler $ waitForProcess handle
  return tmpFiles

Finally, I use ImageMagick for creating ICO:

    ico <- (unixFilterLBS "convert" (paths ++ ["ico:-"]) "")
Smolyakov Ivan